Friday, February 17, 2017

Valentine's Day Makeup Collaboration with Bali Beauty Blogger

This Valentine’s day, I was doing makeup collaboration with Bali Beauty Blogger in Black vs White theme. I chose being White. This is my first makeup collaboration ever. It was so cool that I did collaboration with other 17 beauties that did very good makeup. They’re all gorgeous!

I named it “Brown Sugar Makeup” look since It mostly used warm and sweet colour like brown and nude.

What products that I used to create this look?

Foundation -  Shu Uemura Face Arcitect Foundation
Concealer  - Maybelline Fit Me Concealer
Powder - Maybelline White Super Fresh Foundation
Eyes - NYC by Demi Eyeshadow Pallete
Eyeliner - Wardah Optimum Black Eyeliner
Lashes - Aiglow Lashes
Face Contour - Elf Face Contour
Blush On - Maybelline Cheeky Glow Blush on
Lip – Rollover Reaction Lip and Cheek Creme , Lizzie

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  1. caakeeeeeep mbaak suka sama glowyny *o* syg backgroundny kurang terang aja biar kesanny mnonjolin nude makeupny :D

  2. AKu suka glowy efeknya kak,namun nude lipsnya kayaknya ketiban sama backroundnya jd kayak pucet gt, setuju sama kak shani hehe
